Genesis 18:20-33 Forty Days of Prayer began on August 3, 2020 and ended on September 11, 2020. It provided a season of prayer opportunity to be attentive to God, focused on His character and where He is leading us—both individually and...
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Grouped by: Gender Roles in the Church - Overview of Perspectives
Echoes of Eden: Part 1
Echoes of Eden, an adult Bible study taught by Steve Kenney. To listen to Class 1 click on headphones icon or the down arrow icon to download. To access Class 2 - Class 9, click on the Echoes of Eden graphic.
Traditional, Complementarian, or Egalitarian?
A taxonomy of three views––traditional, complementarian, and egalitarian on the function/role men and women may serve in the public assembly of the church. Click on book icon to be taken to this online article.
The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood is the leading complementarian website. Click on book icon to go to the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood website.
CBE International: Men and Women Co-Leading in Christ is the leading egalitarian website. Click on book icon to go to the CBE International: Men and Women Co-Leading in Christ website.
Resources for Discernment
Resources on gender roles in the church are grouped into three categories: OVERVIEW OF PERSPECTIVES | WOMEN'S PERSPECTIVES IN MINISTRY | WRITINGS ON PERSPECTIVES | Click on Categories for content on gender roles.