
BLOG––Encouraged by Faith

Showing items for 'Scott Morris'

An Uncloudy Sky

Posted by Scott Morris on

Once upon a time, I lived in a place where the skies were not cloudy all day, or all year, usually. And it was HOT. This was a legendary desert in the Middle East where whole armies have been known to disappear in a single day, overwhelmed by rolling dunes in a driving sandstorm. Maybe...

Stand Amazed

Posted by Scott Morris on

God’s work in the world today is a perpetual and glorious spectacle, but perception is highly susceptible to expectation. Do I “stand amazed in the presence of Jesus,” or overwhelmed by some natural phenomenon of earth and sky? O my God, will you strengthen my faith? I grew up...

Come Into My Heart

Posted by Scott Morris on

Into my heart, into my heart,Come into my heart, Lord Jesus;Come in today, come in to stay,Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. When we sang this song, long ago and far away, I felt God’s presence with unusual emotion. My eyes would water. I’d get choked up and have to stop singing for a...

First Step: Prayer

Posted by Scott Morris on

A few weeks ago, three of my friends came to the same conclusion: that I should join them in efforts to bring more people to Christ. They were challenging me to share the gospel more, but I felt more pushed than called. Even when I know something is for the best, I don’t naturally yield...

The Sacred Pause

Posted by Scott Morris on

When life is all a roaring wind and a blur of passing moments propelled by crisis or obligation, stop for a few moments to rest and think. When every activity of life is a race or a desperate contest of will, wait and see where you stand, whether you really need to move so fast or not. Devote...