BLOG––Encouraged by Faith

The Order of the Lamb

Posted by Scott Morris on

Like many things in Revelation, interpreters have debated the identity of the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders for centuries. And while they remain a mystery, I do know they sang this song of worship to the Lamb of God. 

You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and every tongue, and people, and nation! You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth! – Revelation 5:9-10

I also know that I am more than what I think I am. I am what God has made me and I am becoming what God is making of me. Yet, this transformation is subject to my yielding to His Spirit who dwells in me. If I yield, He will lead. God made me to be His own, to do His will, to speak His word––as a witness to His mercy and grace––to testify to His love and care. Every day I learn new things God is making of me.

Once upon a time, I was a slave to the mirror god. I contrived purposes and words of my own. I imagined missions for myself. I conjured up places to be and things to do. All that I did was for myself in vanity and pride.

The song to the Lamb evoked a response in the witnessing angels who shouted their glorious praise. The whole world sang praises to the Lamb and the elders fell down in worship. Just as they were moved, so was I. I resigned my prideful appropriations of self-direction. The gospel in the song to the Lamb became my own good news. I quit resisting the Redeemer’s purchase.

By the blood of the Lamb, I am purified and qualified to serve as a priest in God’s kingdom. I have a new commission; to minister to those He has purposed to save.

All who have come to believe Jesus is the Lamb of God slain for our sins and that He is raising us up with Him have this new commission. We are a “holy priesthood," set apart in the Order of the Lamb. We are a “royal priesthood” in His kingdom. (1 Peter 2:5, 1 Peter 2:9)

It is a humbling thing to honestly consider our place in the presence of the Lamb of God. To be there at all is a staggering gift of grace. I hear the voices of the divine in the songs we sing together. I know that we raise our voices in praise together with the multitudes of the purchased. I believe we are anointed with the glory of His countenance shining on our faces turned to Him in joy.

May God fill you up with His Holy Spirit! May your joy be overflowing so that all who know you will know Jesus! In His lovely and holy name, Amen, Let it be so!


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Jim Messenger Feb 18, 2021 5:08pm

Well done Scott. The second paragraph in which you mention transformation, especially resonated with me. Jim M.